As part of the Broad Lab, students come from all around the globe to dive head first into today's most convoluted and cryptic environmental problems. Our doctoral students are free range and organic. We solve problems and look good doing it.
Augustin, Caitlin
Caitlin’s research is focused on deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies under regulatory uncertainty. Caitlin hates it when people think carbon capture and storage is the same as fracking. It's not the fracking same. So stop it. Just stop.
To read more about Caitlin's work: click here
Welch, Aaron
Aaron’s dissertation research focuses on the interaction between large-scale aquaculture and the environment, as well as the political economy of fishing and aquaculture. Aaron’s current field work includes an environmental monitoring project at a large, offshore aquaculture facility in central America.
Click HERE to read more about Aaron's work.
Callwood, karlisa
Karlisa's research involves lobsters in the Caribbean, I think. She doesn't really talk to us much, but I know it involves lobsters because it was lobsters that ate her toes.
To read more about Karlisa's work: click here
Julia applies social psychology and behavioral economics research findings to decisions about water recycling. She is specifically interested in the role of emotional disgust and its interaction with ideas of morality and normative behavior.
To read more about Julia's work: click here
Stacy Aguilera is studying small-scale fisheries in California, with a focus on Monterey Bay wetfish (Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, and market squid). Through close inspection, she is aiming to characterize means, conditions, and system components which have led Monterey to successful and resilient fisheries.
Click HERE to read more about Stacy's work.
carter, andrew
Andrew studies the development of, and interactions between, mercury science and policy. He is particularly interested in how policymakers, scientists, and the general public perceive and act upon risk and uncertainty concerning mercury.
To read more about Andrew's work: click here
Treuer, Galen
Galen Treuer employs a combination of simulation experiments, surveys and interviews to examine perceptions of climate change risks in south Florida. When he's not dancing on the streets of Miami, he can be found at Panther Coffee.
Click HERE to read more about Galen's work.
“I don’t care to belong to any [lab] that would have me as a member.”