Student Publications

Stacy Aguilera

Aguilera, S.E., Broad, K., Pomeroy, C. Adaptive Capacity of the Monterey Bay Wetfish Fisheries: Proactive Responses to the 2015-16 El Niño Event. (In Review)

Aguilera, S.E. Measuring Squid Fishery Governance Efficacy: A Social-Ecological System Analysis. (In Review)

Davies, T.E., Epstein, G., Aguilera, S.E., Brooks, C., Cox, M., Evans, L.S., Maxwell, S.M., Nenadovic, M., Ban, N. Assessing trade-offs in large marine protected areas. (In Review)

Davies, T.E., Ban, N.C., Aguilera, S.E., Brooks, C., Cox, M., Epstein, G., Nenadovic, M., Maxwell, S.M. Effectiveness of large marine protected areas for protecting migratory marine species. (In Review)

2017. Ban, N., Davies, T.E., Aguilera, S.E., Brooks, C., Cox, M., Epstein, G., Evans, L.S., Maxwell, S.M., Nenadovic, M. Social and ecological effectiveness of large marine protected areas Global Environmental Change. Global Environmental Change. 43: (82-91).

2016. Aguilera, S.E., Teneva, L. Book Review. Climate Change and Coastal Ecosystems, by R. Livingston. Copeia, 104(1): 300-305.

2015. Aguilera, S.E., Cole, J., Finkbeiner, E.M., Le Cornu, E., Ban, N.C., Carr, M.H., Cinner, J.E., Crowder, L.B., Gelcich, S., Hicks, C.C., Kittinger, J.N., Martone, R., Malone, D., Pomeroy, C., Starr, R.M., Seram, S., Zuercher, R., Broad, K. Managing small-scale commercial fisheries for adaptive capacity: Insights from dynamic social-ecological drivers of change in Monterey Bay. PLoS One 10(3): e0118992.

2012. Fujita, R., A.C. Markham, J.E. Diaz Diaz, J.R. Martinez Garcia, C. Scarborough, P. Greenfield, P. Black, and S. Aguilera. Revisiting Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Marine Policy, 36.2, 463-465. 2012.

Fujita, R., J.H. Moxley, H. DeBey, T. Van Leuvan, A. Leumer, K. Honey, S. Aguilera, M. Foley. Managing for a Resilient Ocean. Marine Policy, 38, 538-544.

Annie Brett

Brett, Annie, Secrets of the Deep: Defining Privacy Underwater (under review).

Brett, Annie and Broad, Kenny, The Litigation of Exploration, 63 Villanova L. Rev. (forthcoming 2018).

2017. Brett, Annie, Putting the Public on Trial: Can Citizen Science Data be Used in Litigation and Regulation?, 28 Villanova Envtl. L. J. 163.

Andrew Carter

Carter, Andrew (forthcoming). Alchemical rulemaking and ideological framing: Lessons from the 40- year battle to regulate mercury emissions from electric power plants. Natural Resources Journal.

Carter, Andrew (in progress). Epistemological foundations of environmental policy analysis: Can critical realism bridge the neopositivist-interpretivist divide? 

Carter, Andrew (in progress). Quicksilver anxieties: Evolving cultural models of mercury in the 20th century from Minamata to the anti-vaccination movement.

Carter, Andrew (in progress). Philosophical foundations of environmental policy analysis: Can critical realism bridge the neopositivist-interpretivist divide?

Shireen Rahimi

2016. Rahimi, Shireen; Gaines, Steven D.; Gelcich, Stefan; et al. Factors driving the implementation of fishery reforms. Marine Policy, 71: 222-228.

In review at PNAS. Elodie Le Cornu, Elena M. Finkbeiner, Shireen Rahimi, Rebecca Martone, Adam L. Ayers, John N. Kittinger, Stefan Gelcich, Natalie Ban, Christina Hicks, Fiorenza Micheli, Xavier Basurto, Josh Cinner, Eddie Allison, Rebecca Gruby, Larry Crowder. Implementing property rights-based management in small-scale fisheries: key enabling conditions to achieve social, economic and ecological outcomes.

Galen Treuer

2013. Johnson, Eric J.; Hassin, Ran; Baker, Tom; Treuer, Galen, et al. Can Consumers Make Affordable Care Affordable? The Value of Choice Architecture. PLOS ONE: 12, e81521.

2017. Treuer, Galen; Koebele, Elizabeth; Deslatte, Aaron; et al. A narrative method for analyzing transitions in urban water management: The case of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department. Water Resources Research, 53:1, 891-908.

Aaron Welch

Welch, A., 2013. The Second Commons: Rethinking Fisheries Reform for the Political Market. Stanford Journal of Law, Science, and Policy. Published online January 2013, pp. 1-31.

Stieglitz, J.D., Benetti, D., Hoenig, R., Sardenberg, B., Welch, A., Miralao, S. 2011. Environmentally conditioned, year-round volitional spawning of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) in broodstock maturation system. Aquaculture Research, 43(10):1557-1566.

Benetti, D.D. and A. Welch. 2010. Advances in open ocean aquaculture technology and the future of seafood production. The Journal of Ocean Technology (5)2: 1-14.

Welch, A., Hoenig, R., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., Tacon, A., Sims, N., O’Hanlon, B., 2010. From Fishing to the Sustainable Aquaculture of Carnivorous Marine Finfish. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 18(3):235-247

Bennetti, D., O’Hanlon, B., Rivera, J., Welch, A., Maxey, C., Orhun, M., 2010. Growth Rates of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Cultured in Open Ocean Submerged Cages in the Caribbean. Aquaculture302:195-201.

Papers under review:

Welch, A., 2013. Seafood Watch Report: Farmed Cobia, Panama, Colombia, and the United States. Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program, Monterey, CA. In review.

Welch, A., 2013. Seafood Watch Report: Farmed Pompano, Asia and the Americas. Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program, Monterey, CA. In review.

Welch, A., Hoenig, R., Stieglitz, J., Daugherty, Z., Sardenberg, B., Miralao, S., Farkas, D., and Benetti, D., 2013. Growth Rates of Larval and Juvenile Bigeye Scad Selar crumenophthalmus in Captivity. SpringerPlus, 2, 634.

Julia Wester

Hammerschlag, N., Gallagher, A.J., Wester, J., Luo,J., Ault, J.S. (2012) Don’t bite the hand that feeds: behavioral impacts of provisioning ecotourism on an apex marine predator. Functional Ecology 26(3): 567-576 (Cover story)

2014. Shiffman, D. S.; Gallagher, A. J.; Wester, J.; et al. Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction: A way forward building on a history of conservation. Marine Policy, 50, 318-322.

2016. Wester, Julia; Timpano, Kiara R.; Cek, Demet; et al. The psychology of recycled water: Factors predicting disgust and willingness to use. Water Resources Research, 52:4, 3212-3226.

Recent Student Awards


Stacy Aguilera-Peterson: NOAA Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship


Andrew Carter: Award of Academic Distinction, University of Miami 

Shireen Rahimi: National Geographic Young Explorers Grant


Julia Wester: 1st Place in the Graduate Student Social/Behavioral Science Category at the NSF Emerging Researchers Conference

Galen Treuer: NSF GROW Fellowship

Stacy Aguilera: American Meteorological Society Summer Policy Colloquium Fellow (Washington, D.C.)

Stacy Aguilera: SESYNC Teaching About Socio-Envionmental Synthesis with Case Studies Scholarship 

Annie Brett: Center for Ocean Solutions Ocean Policy Course Scholarship

Lisa Johns: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Shireen Rahimi: Abess Doctoral Fellowship 

Lisa Johns: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship

Shireen Rahimi: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship


Julia Wester: UF Water Institute Conference Poster Competition Winner

Galen Treuer: NCAR Advanced Summer Program on Climate Uncertainty

Stacy Aguilera: RSMAS TA Excellence Aware in the category of Undergraduate Lecture Course

Johnny Bartz: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship

Annie Brett: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship


Galen Treuer: American Meteorological Society Summer Policy Colloquium Scholarship (Washington, D.C.)

Galen Treuer: NSF Expert Witness Training Academic (St. Paul, MN)

Galen Treuer: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - 2013-2016

Stacy Aguilera: Center for Ocean Solutions Ocean Policy Course Scholarship

Johnny Bartz: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Annie Brett: Abess Doctoral Fellowship


Katie Crosley: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 2012 - 2015 (completed 2014)

Stacy Aguilera: University of Miami Abess Center Fellowship

Catherine Macdonald: Honorable mention for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Andrew Carter: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Stacy Aguilera: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Galen Treuer: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Julia Wester: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship


Stacy Aguilera: VPUE Stanford UAR Travel Grant, Conference to Victoria, BC, Canada

Stacy Aguilera: Stanford University Earth Systems CoTerm UPS Summer Research Grant

John Bartz: Fulbright Student Scholarship for Study in Brazil, Institute of International Education  

Julia Wester: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Catherine Macdonald: Abess Doctoral Fellowship


Katie Crosley: University of Miami Graduate Fellowship 2010-2012

Stacy Aguilera: Alan Davis Scholarship, Hopkins Marine Station

Stacy Aguilera: Woods Institute for the Environment Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Grant

John Bartz: Earth Systems Award for Outstanding Research, Stanford School of Earth Sciences  

Caitlin Augustin: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Karlisa Callwood: Abess Doctoral Fellowship

Aaron Welch: Abess Doctoral Fellowship


Katie Crosley: Best Undergraduate Engagement Research Project, Purdue University

Stacy Aguilera: National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Katie Crosley: Gruel Memorial Scholarship, Purdue University - 2008

Katie Crosley: Durward Allen Memorial Award, Purdue University - 2008

Katie Crosley: Best Life Sciences Abstract, Research Symposium, Purdue University - 2008

Catherine Macdonald: Thomas J. Watson Fellowship - 2007-2008

Catherine Macdonald: Phi Betta Kappa (Amherst College) - 2007

Catherine Macdonald: Raymond Keith Bryant Prize - 2007

Catherine Macdonald: Alfred F. Havinghurst Prize - 2007

Katie Crosley: Rex Hall Memorial Scholarship, Purdue University - 2007

Katie Crosley: Junior Scholarship, Purdue University - 2007

Katie Crosley: Emerson Kampen Scholar, Purdue University - 2005

Katie Crosley: Academic Success Award, Purdue University - 2005

Galen Treuer: Phi Betta Kappa (Oberlin College) - 2001

Galen Treuer: Hanson Prize in Economics (Oberlin College) - 2000